Material & Services Charges

Material & Services Charge has been endorsed by the Governing Council.

The 2024 charge will be $287.00 (gst free) per student from Reception to Year 6 and $379 (gst free) per student from Year 7 to Year 12 and is payable at the commencement of Term 1 each year.

2024 Government Rebate of $100 will be deducted from each students M&S Charge, not including those eligible for School Card
All fees are due in full by end of Term 1 - All outstanding fees will then be forwarded to Dept for Education Debt Collection.

Payments can be made at the school by EFTPOS or by Direct Debit as detailed on invoice.
School Card forms are to be completed online at

Contact the School

8 Showground Rd
Swan Reach SA 5354

Phone: 08 8570 2053
Fax: 08 8570 2325