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What a term! So many challenges but together we have collaborated and succeeded with most of them. A massive thanks to Parents and Carers, as you are your children’s primary educators and have the toughest job in the world – parenting. SRAS also extends a big thank you to our volunteers, bus drivers, governing councillors, local businesses (Swan Reach Store, Op Shop, businesses involved with year 10s work experiences) and associations (Swan Reach Progress, Kids Club and Mid Murray Our Town), for your support and contributions to making positive differences for SRAS children and youth. A final thank you, to the energetic and committed staff at SRAS, who continue to provide their very best teaching, supporting and care for our children and students.
Attached to this newsletter is a letter that provides an overview to remind community about clear communication expectations and boundaries between staff and community members. Respect is one of our core values and SRAS expects staff to extend their respect in how they communicate and behave with students and parents / carers and visa versa. While most of the information is logical and followed by the majority of the community, it is good practice to share expectations publicly.
SRAS enjoys and welcomes parents / carers and extended family visiting and sharing in their children’s learning. Most of our whole-school events such as sports days, swimming carnival, assemblies and presentation evening do not require families to sign in and out. At all other times, such as the recent successful year 2-4 International Food and year 7-9 $20 BOSS events, SRAS requires families to sign in and out at the front office. It is a necessity for our WHS requirements, especially in case of emergency. Thank you in advance, for following this mandatory protocol.
To assist making sign in and out easier, for smaller events, SRAS will provide a separate sign in and out sheet for parents and carers to access at the event.
SRAS community will miss the long-term committed and commendable service of Mrs Dorothee Moellers, who is resigning after 30 plus years of nurturing our occasional care and preschoolers, and preparing them for their school years. Her vast experience and high expertise are made even more significant through her care, understanding and high regard for all children. SRAS extends its sincere congratulations and thanks to Dorothee and wish her and husband, Alfons, the very best for their future.
Next term, we’ll be without our finance officer, Mrs Vanessa Hancock, as she takes long service leave to travel the warmer parts of Australia. Wishing her the best and a wonderful relaxing break from school. Thankfully, Mrs Louise Haby will address essential site finance needs in Vanessa’s absence.
Home Group |
Size (students) |
Teacher |
P |
4 |
Mrs Horstmann |
R/1 |
17 |
Miss Thomas |
2/3 |
20 |
Mrs Bonnie Harmer |
4/5 |
19 |
Miss Maxwell |
6-9 |
17 |
Mr Griffiths |
10/11/12 |
13 |
Mr Cowland |
6/7/8 |
14 |
9/10 |
10 |
11/12 |
7 |
6 HGs |
Thank you to the families who have provided constructive feedback regarding our need to address the size and complexities of the 2-4 class. Your concerns are valid and understood, and shared by staff too, who brought forward many of the same concerns before sharing with community. The risks of not addressing the complexities now, before semester 2 starts, and the overall benefit for students, are greater than having highly probable forced changes during semester 2. Therefore, SRAS will proceed with the proposed class structures seen in the table. There are some exceptional individual circumstances we are negotiating but SRAS is confident these structures are the best for students’ learning, for semester 2 and beyond, into 2025.
Kind regards,
Mr John Robertson
The Connected Parenting (Webinar) is scheduled for Monday, 22 July 2024 06:30PM. For a preview of the content and the presenter click on the link below.
We love helping families connect, feel happier and build resilience - which is why we're so proud of our Family Wellbeing Resources available on our online shop! While our resources won't spontaneously dance around the table, our GEM Conversation Cards, Family Journals and Kids Activity books will help you bring Gratitude, Empathy & Mindfulness (GEM) home these school holidays!
Oooorrrr, if you're looking for something to do straight away, check some of our free, printable kids activities.
HASS YRS 2-4 Multi-cultural Lunch
During term 2, the year 2-4 class were learning about countries from around the world. As part of a research project each student had to find five facts about their country including a food from the country. Students then explored life skills with their families, making with their parents the food they chose from their country for a shared lunch with their parents or special person.
We held the lunch over the lunch time period where families joined us. We had over 20 different dishes to taste. Students were given roles for the day, where they had to serve the food, interview parents or take photos of the day.
Mrs E’s Japanese Corner
In R-1class, we have learnt about the Star Festival “Tanabata”. This is the traditional story that had been passed on from China long time ago. Japanese people celebrate by decorating the bamboo trees and write a wish to put it on the tree. Students made a lantern to decorate their bamboo tree and wrote a wish to put on it.
Y2-4 class completed their own “The Hungry ~~~” book in Japanese. They all have worked very well and had created a bilingual original story book.
Y5/6 have completed their weather forecast video clip. It will be sent home through the Daymap shortly.
Y7/8 have been learning about the history and the tradition of “rice”. To complete this units, students have made some rice balls.
I hope everyone will have a safe and relaxing school holiday.
Japanese Teacher
Mrs Yuka Endersby
RMD Mixed Netball @ Mannum
On Tuesday, 2nd July, eight secondary students from SRAS competed in the annual River Mallee & District Mixed Netball Tournament at Mannum. We entered one year 9/10 team, with a few of our 7/8 students coming up to assist to fill a team. Overall, the day was a success, coming up against schools who are much larger than us, such as Mannum, Karoonda and Meninge, is initially quite daunting. To our credit, students competed admirably across their five matches, with our first victory finally coming in our final game against Meninge. These events are so valuable to our students, especially when considering that most of them who participated have never had the opportunity to compete in a netball tournament outside of school. I’d like to thank Elouise Stalenberg for her assistance with umpiring and coaching our students on the day.
Jayden Coleman
Sports Coordinator
Today, I want to share with you another page from the Big Life Journal. It’s titled “Things I wasn’t taught but I’ll be teaching to my kids”.
Alexandra from Big Life Journal says, “growing up, we never really talked about mental health and it took me a long time to appreciate the value of calm, quiet moments”. She also says that she heard her son tell his friend, “my mum likes to recharge her batteries”, so she has obviously taught her children about the importance of making sure they look after their mental health through mindfulness and other ‘battery charging’, ‘tank filling’ exercises.
She also says, “taking care of our mental health is really important, especially when stress starts to affect how we feel and how we parent. It’s comforting to think that our kids can learn about self- care from an early age – something that many of us didn’t learn growing up”.
I have to agree with her, I didn’t learn much about self-care when I was growing up. Mental health was never talked about. Many of you possibly have the same experience. I think it’s really positive and healthy that children are learning to look after their mental health today and it’s not such a taboo subject anymore.
The page below gives some simple ideas that we can use to teach our children these essential self- care tips.
Julie Maxwell,
Pastoral Care Worker
REMINDER TO PARENTS/CARERS: Please make sure that ALL your children's belongings (clothes, lunch boxes, drink bottles, etc.) are CLEARLY LABELLED with your child's name. Labelled property can be easily returned to its owner. Thank you.
MONDAY 8th 9am-2pm
Tuesday 9th 9am-2pm
Wednesday 10th - Closed
Thursday 11th 9am-2pm
Sat/Sun Closed
Monday 15th 9am-2pm
Tuesday 16th 9am-2pm
Wednesday 17th Closed
Thursday 18th 9am-2pm
Friday 19th 9am-2pm
Regular hours resume Monday 22nd July.
SCHOOL TERM TIME OPENING HOURS - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8.30am-4:00pm. 'Call and Collect' will still be available for your convenience.
The library has a mobile phone for communication. Please let me know if you would like to be included on the message list to receive notifications, holiday and opening hours etc.
The number is: 0460 366 067
6th September | Student Free Day |
9th September | School Closure |
27th September | End of Term 3 - Assembly 1.30pm, Early Dismissal 2.10pm |
14th October | Beginning of Term 4 |
4th November | Student Free Day |
13th December | End of Term 4 - Early Dismissal 2.10pm |
Due date for articles in the next Newsletter is 10:00am, 1st August 2024. The newsletter is distributed via the SZApp and school website.
Articles can be emailed to clearly marked in the subject box as Newsletter, faxed to 8570 2325 or delivered to the front office. Due to the way the Newsletter is now being set up, not all photos are included in the print copy, however there are several photo galleries included online and via the SZApp. Apple devices: open the App store and search and download SZapp, on Android devices open the Play store and search and download SZappa; select the Asia Pacific region and search for Swan Reach Area School. Follow the prompts to register using an email address and create a password to access the online newsletter. Contact the school should you require any assistance.